Who won the Cold War? The Communists or the Capitalists? Actually, they both have won it. There was never that much difference between them to begin with, which was a central message of the Southern Agrarians almost a century ago. The Communist/Capitalists now are the U.S. regime. They have been converging for many years and are now completely consolidated and completely in control. The capitalists (the bankers and stockjobbers, to use the terminology of early Americans) now control a vast and ever increasing share of the wealth while the workers get poorer and poorer. Capitalists serve the purposes of the Communists and even bankroll them. Nobody seems to have pointed out that the Biden regime resembles the Leninist takeover of Russia. That was in the midst of a war that had made people brutal, so the takeover was more violent than presently (so far). Both give major effort to censoring anti-regime ideas and organisations. Both are the product of the take-over or suppression of all institutions. Both have an ideology that is a fantasy but is rigidly enforced. Both use the mob whenever it is useful to them. Both hold us basket of deplorables in contempt as useless and expendable. The regime in power cares no more about the rank and file of Americans than Lenin and Trotsky cared about the 2 million or more farmers that Lenin and Trotsky exterminated in the early 1930s. This contempt for the masses arises in both cases, American and Soviet, from the urban pseudo-intellectual class of party faithful who think of themselves as superior to the ordinary. Stalin even purged the armed forces of potential enemies of the regime, something the present rulers intend. There is one difference. The Soviets claimed to be committing their crimes on behalf of the proletariat, the working class. In the rugged conditions of early industrialism the workers seemed ripe fruit for manning revolution. Of course, they were soon reduced to slave labour conditions, while the party officials enjoyed whatever fruits were available. Now the Communists have completely abandoned the excuse of the proletariat. Now it is the minorities they have mobilised to destroy society. The Bidenites are still working out of the same Leninist playbook, but with different clients. This tells us that Communism was never about uplifting the downtrodden. It was motivated by a destructive hatred of Western Civilisation. George W. Bush and Joe Biden hardly differ at all in their Trotskyite version of the future. The West mobilised vast resources against the Soviet military threat and lived anxiously through the Cold War. American lives and treasure were sacrificed in Korea and Vietnam and little tykes like Yours Truly were taught to hide under their desks in case of nuclear attack. Curiously, during all this time, American “intelligentsia” remained strongly anti-anti-communist. They harassed and blocked and even destroyed investigators of Communist subversion like McCarthy and Nixon and defended Soviet agents like Hiss to almost the last ditch. They promoted unilateral Western disarmament and sympathised with North Vietnam while it killed Americans and its own people. They always gave Russia the benefit of the doubt. The recent opening of the Russian archives has revealed that the investigators of Communist subversion were correct but guilty of vast understatement. It is now apparent the the U.S. government, under Communist agents and fellow travelers from the early 1930s, did everything possible for the benefit of the Soviet Union at the expense of America and that they made possible the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe and the speed-up of Russian acquisition of nuclear weapons. But now, most curiously, since Russia has become non-Communist the same deep thinkers hate it and accuse it of all kinds of aggression. This reveals their true nature, because it can only be motivated by hatred of Russia’s redirection toward social conservatism and Christianity.
Imagine what a Presidential “press conference” might look like if the U.S. had real journalists. Imagine the answers. Or even a real system of debate where the Prime Minister has to answer questions from the Opposition. Or even if we had a real Opposition party. Q. Mr. President, millions of Americans feel that you were elected unfairly. What do you say to them? Q. Don’t you think it may be too much for the U.S. to be challenging both China and Russia at the same time? Q. To follow up, many people don’t understand your freely expressed antagonism to Russia. After all, investigation proved they did not interfere in our election. Q. Americans like to think we have the greatest military in the world. Some analysts think we are over-estimating our capacity. What do you think of the claim that our aircraft carriers, on which we place great reliance, are now actually sitting ducks because of new missile technologies? If so, what should we do about it? Q. George Floyd had a gold casket and three funerals. Millions of dollars have been contributed in his name and he has become a kind of saint. Do you think maybe this response is unjustified for a lifelong, dangerous, heavily drugged felon? Do you think that the policeman involved in making Floyd’s arrest can ever receive a fair trial since he has already been convicted by the press and politicians? Are there plans to file federal charges against the officer? Q, We now hear a lot of discussion of “a crisis at the border.” What caused this and what can we do about it? Do you credit the reports that the new border policy has empowered drug cartels and human traffickers? Q. In your opinion, is there any such thing as an “illegal alien”? Is crossing our border illegally a crime? Q. Polls have shown for years that American citizens are not in favour of the high levels of immigration that the government has sponsored for several decades now. Perhaps so vital an issue should be put to the people to decide, as has been suggested in France? Q. Why do you think 75 million people voted for your opponent in the election? Are these all dangerous extremists that need to be purged from American society, as many of your supporters say? Q. Critical Race Theory is now widely sponsored by your administration. Have you studied this theory? Can you explain to the public what you understand about it? |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025