Infanticide. Could it be any more plain and stark? Crowds joyfully celebrating their “right” to kill their children. The preponderant power of American society is now post-Christian and post-Western. We Deplorables (Hillary Clinton) who hold on to our Bibles and guns (Obama) are a remnant, unorganised, leaderless, excluded from power, and expected to go quietly into the night. In our country Satan is well-armed and aggressive and can call on millions to serve him. He is on a roll. Do not expect him to stop. He always goes on until he has reaped the maximum destruction. We are already well accustomed to the unthinkable becoming normal. What is next? Perhaps the courts will find that baby-killing has “disparate impact” and the government will be required to enforce equality in this as in all else. The plausible possibilities of euthanasia in the name of progress and humanity are numerous. The murder of the innocent that is now celebrated is the ultimate in individual selfishness. Its devotees think of themselves as a superior priestly class, empowered to do as they please. The god of Enlightenment that they worship is quite as unreal as Ba’al and equally one of Satan’s snares. Their understanding of human life is childishly self-centered and short-sighted. The health of society and future consequences of their acts do not come within their sight. Killing is habit-forming for those who do the killing. A regime that is bloodthirsty at home delights in war abroad, especially when the rulers are not threatened with personal responsibilities and consequences. Times of moral breakdown are always times of war. Do not think that the U.S.’s deadly filibusters in the Middle East are unrelated to our policy of baby-killing. Supporters of both are found in the same camp. The U.S. has now launched three wars against unthreatening Middle Eastern regimes, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent non-terrorists. In the name of bringing a “democracy” (including infanticide?) that is as imaginary as Ba’al. And in alliance with and for the benefit of the two most bloodthirsty regimes of the region. Our rulers enjoy this power and our people are callously indifferent. The morally bankrupt are also often stupid. Our interventions in the Middle East, where we should not even be except to buy the oil which they need to sell, have wrecked human society over a large area of the world and created blowback that will threaten our grandchildren. At horrific cost and zero positive benefit. The Carthaginians happily tossed their children into the fire to please their god, and the Aztecs celebrated human sacrifice on a large scale for the same reason. Until they were destroyed themselves. The Romans, a tough people with a grasp of reality and a capacity for courage and self-sacrifice put an end to Carthage. As did the Christian Spanish conquistadores to the Aztecs. Nobody can know the future, but we are tempted to suspect a fearsome Providential pattern.
Robert M. Peters
3/2/2019 07:25:39 pm
Cathargo delenda est! Must we wait for Scipio or a Cortés, or will there rise among us such men?
Anthony Powell
3/3/2019 08:06:36 pm
Thanks for another excellent essay, Dr. Wilson. 'Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.' The baby-killers and the war-mongers will eventually and ultimately keep each other company in the lake of fire.
Michael Martin
3/5/2019 06:25:05 am
Recently, Alex Jones was on the Joe Rogan podcast talking about Northam's comments on abortion. Jones mentioned that some of these facilities they take euthanized babies to are run by the Chinese, and are used for harvesting the organs? I know Alex Jones is hit or miss...but it makes you wonder
3/10/2019 10:33:23 pm
Jews are not holy. The Bible is not history. There is only one race, the human race.
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AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025