The Social Justice Warriors who claim that our society is dominated by “whiteness” have a point. It is something intangible in the social atmosphere. It is unintended and unconscious. It reflects a very plain fact. We live in Western Civilisation, the greatest achievement so far of humanity, which was created by white people. You might expect other peoples to show gratitude for participating in its benefits instead of malice. Wondering: Have millions of people wearing masks saved a single life? For years now I have been hearing people whine that the Democrats have taken over the elections with immigration and fraud and the Republicans will never win another election. So what? What do you think Mitt, Marco, Kevin, Jeb, Nikki, Michael, Linsey, etc. will do for you if they are elected? The Republican party is not an opposition party, it is merely a collection of politicians hoping for office. Killing off the Republicans will have the positive effect of making room for a real opposition party or parties. Joe Biden is a museum quality specimen of a political hack. He has fed at the federal trough for decades, representing a rotten borough, without ever having a real thought about what is right for his country. He always says what he thinks people want to hear. True or false or concern for the consequences never comes into it. Founding Americans would weep with sorrow at such a place-holder ruling the people. Politics is not the realm of doing good. Millions of insipid, shallow Americans seem to believe that foolishness. Politics is the realm of power, vanity, greed, and deceit. The hysteria over the demise of George Floyd exposes the dream world and fear of reality of too many Americans. You can almost forgive Europeans because their idea of America is sheriffs walking around with big revolvers. But the Americans refuse to accept the plain reality of what it takes to subdue violent criminals in the big cities today. Though the end result was unfortunate, the Floyd arrest was otherwise no different from what is necessary every day in many places. Today’s “news reporters” are quite literally unable to distinguish between a fact and their own self-centered feelings. And unable to distinguish between an objectively important issue and a fashionable one. Not to mention that they seem unanimously to suffer from the curse of “a little learning” causing them to think they are of superior wisdom. Doesn’t it seem to you that our armed forces are now ruled not by soldiers but by ass-kissers and back-stabbers who have successfully climbed the greasy bureaucratic pole? The billions spent on the armed forces have very little to do with the actual defense of the American people. What would the men of Guadalcanal and Normandy think of today’s America? I am quite sure they would consider their sacrifice wasted.
7/14/2021 05:43:21 am
My Uncle Joe, of Cameron, South Carolina - three invasions, one Silver Star, one Bronze Star, two Purple Hearts, and killed by artillery fire in the Hertgen Forest while tending his wounded men - I think would agree with you, Dr. Wilson
Anthony Powell
7/14/2021 11:29:59 am
Amen to this essay, Dr Wilson. The Mississippi flag would not have been disrespected and taken down in 2020 without the collaboration of spineless country club, Bush/Cheney Republicans. I have nothing but contempt for this bunch of sissies.
Joe Johnson
7/14/2021 05:28:15 pm
Glad to learn that the mural honoring St. Floyd in Ohio was struck by lightning.
William David Sweatt
7/26/2021 03:56:55 pm
Dr, Wilson,
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AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025