Years ago, wise scientists established that the optimum carrying capacity for the U.S. was a 200,000,000 population. The population is now 380,000,000, the increase almost entirely due to immigration. The larger population is certain to bring a lower standard of living. It is already happening.
Republicans are doing what they always do. Reverting to their old mode of empty respectability. I am receiving every other day expensive colour flyers telling me that Trump can’t win the Presidential election and a vote for him will be a certain guarantee for Biden’s re-election. “We need a new leader.” They say zero about who would be a better candidate or what his platform would be. It is just like Jeb Bush’s advertising in 2016. We were told that he was a tough man that would solve our problems. Nothing about how he was to do this. Just trust the candidate of the respectable party. This is not politics---it is simply calculated marketing. The Republican leadership has not caught on that the grassroots has changed. Or maybe they know it but still think their old trick will work another time and keep them in power and profit. They neither know nor care about what might really be done to save the country. They can only spout pre-fabricated platitudes and ignore every real problem that besets our ailing society. Think about how strange (and revealing) this is. We have a party leadership whose only platform is tearing down their most popular leader. The election of the new Speaker of the House is evidence of the same thing. This fellow said at the time it happened that George Floyd had been murdered. He had seen it on television. What more evidence is needed that he is a shallow, opportunistic man, like most Republican Congresspersons. He was simply saying what the party marketers, anxious to get on the popular side of the Floyd incident, told him to say. Even worse, this fellow seems to belong to one of the more ignorant branches of evangelism, which means he has no knowledge of history and no respect for the Constitution or American tradition. Contrary to Lispy Graham, I am not aware of having any brothers and sisters in Israel. RIC. Russia, Iran, China. Three countries that our vain and shallow rulers are provoking and the media are working to turn us against - not too hard because Americans in general know nearly nothing about the rest of the world and the little that they know is wrong. All three of these countries have been developing well economically at a rate far greater than the U.S., despite American sanctions and sabotage. All of them have lifted a great part of their population out of traditional poverty into middle-class status. Generally, their people are satisfied with their regimes and their leaders. Two of them have militaries that honest experts say that the U.S. might not be able to go up against. They all know that American leadership is decadent and weak. Compare that to the way we are now.
Clyde N Wilson
11/6/2023 05:05:27 am
Since writing this I have been receiving regular slick mailings from the new Speaker, telling me I must give money to the Republican Party. It assumes that I am a "conservative" and I should help the Republicans. Why I should do so is vague and to be accepted on faith. Alas, this still works with some people.
Perrin Lovett
11/9/2023 03:08:28 pm
Conservatives and Republicans failed to conserve the Republic. Or even the ladies restroom at Target.
Paul Yarbrough
11/6/2023 10:55:27 am
The word isn't "alas," it is "unbelievable"
11/9/2023 12:56:21 pm
An excellent observation of the sad times we live in. My usual response to queries of political affiliation is "Jesse Helms Democrat."
Robert M. Peters
11/9/2023 05:54:20 pm
Clyde, I know Speaker Johnson personally. He and I taught rhetoric at Providence Classical Academy. I taught 7th and 8th grade rhetoric, and he taught 9th and 10th grade rhetoric. I taught his two daughters and worked with his wife at PCA. In our first chance meeting as I was entering the classroom in which he had just been teaching, we had our first "run in." He had written "American Exceptionalism" on the board. As I engaged him as he was leaving, I said, "I take exception to American Exceptionalism." His reaction, contrary to the rules of rhetoric which we were both teaching, was to make an ad hominem attack on me. That has marked our relationship ever since.
Walt Garlington
11/11/2023 09:35:03 am
Thank you for sharing that insight Dr Peters. It is very much appreciated.
Clyde N Wilson
11/10/2023 05:04:39 am
Robert, I am not surprised at what you say. It is typical of the kind of people the Republican managers groom for office..
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AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025