A country without memory is a country of madmen. -Georges Santayana Racist: any one who is winning an argument with a Liberal -Peter Brimelow I do not know if virtue signaling also fools the person making the virtuous chirping sounds. Do such persons lack self-knowledge? -Dr. Virginia Abernethy A people alone are a great river; and where a people has died, a great nation is about to die. -William Butler Yeats A people separated from their history are easily persuaded. -Karl Marx The first step toward ultimately winning is to make sure that the enemy does not win, if it be only that he does not win everywhere. -G.K. Chesterton The future lasts a long time. -Charles De Gaulle Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. -Ecclesiastes Those who expect to be ignorant and free, expect what never was or will be. -Thomas Jefferson Truth ever on the scaffold; wrong ever on the throne. -Unknown History repeats itself, but not exactly. -Clyde N. Wilson No country can be reformed by people who hate it - a fact which our left-wing intellectuals tend to miss. -Herbert Agar Currently, less than half of K-12 school children, America’s future, are European-American. -Dr. Virginia Abernethy Big Business is a parasitic disease on capitalism which if not checked will necessarily be fatal. - David Cushman Coyle It appears that Afghanistan will be the grave of yet another empire. - William Lind The mediocre always hold the superior back even when they are on the same side. - Florence King They call this progress, but they don’t say where it is going. - William Faulkner Growth is the enemy of progress. -Edward Abbey Devolution is not an event, but a process. - Ron Davies, Welsh nationalist We cannot maintain an empire in the Orient and a republic in America. - Mark Twain We are not a virtuous nation. God and fate have not blessed us above others. - Chris Hedges “Powerful ornary stock, George, powerful ornary.” - “Sut Lovingood” on “The Puritan Yankee” Never attribute to malice what is more obviously due to stupidity or sloth. - Oscar Handlin We no longer have any politics - only marketing. - Clyde N. Wilson Public estimation of eminence runs in reverse ratio to its genuineness. - H.L. Mencken After having taken each member successively in its powerful grasp, fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. - Tocqueville Praise the Lord and pass the barbecue. - Maurice Bessinger
Jake Starbuck
11/27/2023 10:49:34 am
I am reminded of a quote from an old cowboy film: "I knew a Yankee once. Snake bit him. Snake died."
Clyde N Wilson
11/27/2023 01:03:47 pm
Jake, It was not a Western but Goodbye, My Lady, set in Miss. Though born in Mass. Brennan was an open conservative and Christian and portrayed Southerners beautifully in dozens of movies if not more.
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AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
January 2025