Keep in mind: When the Powers -That - Be engage in censorship, remember that censorship is ALWAYS directed at suppressing TRUTH that they do not want you to know. They don’t care about suppressing falsehood, which they often use themselves. Politicians have no interest in truth or virtue. The most successful ones all have psychopathic traits to some degree or other, which means they can project a seeming sincerity. They are interested in themselves---in power, which is a shorthand for vanity, greed, and lust. Telling the truth never occurs to them---they tell you whatever is to their advantage, what they think you want to know or will make them look good. They vote millions for this or that not because they want to improve society but because it enhances their power. The only good politician is one who leaves office no richer than he entered it. There may be a good politician somewhere. Somewhere there may be a unicorn and an honest car salesman. I have never seen either but I don’t rule out the possibility that they might exist somewhere. There is no separation between money and government power. They are the same thing, always. Government power gets money and money gets government power. Money talks and virtue walks. Our Founders knew that responsibility of public officers for their actions was a necessity for a republican government. Holding office was a temporary thing and the representative was to return to the body of the people and live under the laws that he had made. This would help to make him virtuous in office. Believe it or not, in early days people actually lost money by neglecting their business while they served in Congress. Of course that no longer works. Very seldom do politicians suffer for their actions. They leave office to give allegiance where it will make them even richer. What President besides Nixon has been held to account for his actions? Nixon’s fall occurred because he was obsessed with means rather than ends and his Republican supporters were shallow and cowardly. George Bush 2 carried out the most illegal, foolish, irresponsible, catastrophic policies in history and has never suffered a ruffled feather. Obama was responsible for one illegal act after another and never had reason to lose his cool. For Americans two weeks ago is ancient history.
1 Comment
Anthony Powell
7/7/2019 05:51:16 pm
Thanks, Dr Wilson, for another excellent essay. Now many of the parasitic congressmen and senators are whining because their salaries haven't been raised past the $174,000 a year mark in several years. They lament the high cost of living in the area surrounding the District of Corruption. Too bad. Resign and get a real job, or take a part time job at Walmart. They should all be ashamed of the $22 trillion in debt (and counting) they are responsible for. If contempt for Congress ever becomes a crime in this country, I will assuredly be among the first to be thrust into a government cage.
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AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025