Trump blew it. The President of the United States allowed himself to be called a “liar” and a “clown,” an enormity that has not even been noticed. And he failed to deal effectively with any of his opponent’s smooth lies. For millions of shallow, naïve, clueless Americans, Biden appeared “Presidential” and as Trump’s superior in character, knowledge, and constructiveness. In fact, of course, Biden is an ethically challenged phony who has done nothing except spend 47 tears getting rich at the public trough and who threatens to let loose the final phase of the revolutionary destructiveness that will finish off the country we have known. But he has the Establishment patter down pat. It is somewhat reminiscent of 1980 when the shallow movie actor Reagan assumed a pose of superiority to the more intelligent and accomplished Carter. It worked. Of course, we have to realise that these things are not really debates, which can sometimes be enlightening. They are orchestrated media shows which are controlled by “questions” carefully designed to keep the discussion safe for the Deep State. Trump accommodated this fraud by concentrating his remarks on ephemeral issues. Trump appeared harassed---not surprising since no elected head of state in all of history has ever received the massive and malicious media attack that he has suffered. However, the fundamental problem is that Trump does not understand his enemy and the perilous state that his society is in. This is shown by his failure to appoint officials that support him but instead to rely on the ready stable of Republican hacks. His own appointees castigate him and he has accomplished little. His greatest enemy, the Republican Establishment, has done him in, with the active support of his second greatest enemy, himself. He really does not get it. He does not see the big picture. Perhaps because his mind is simply not wide enough or because the experience when he came to the Executive Mansion was simply not wide enough. He claimed to be for a reformation without understanding the situation he wanted to reform. Experience with crooked businessmen comes to nothing in a contest with the dirty tricks which parasites in power and their countless minions are capable of deploying. Let us pray that the actual election will not turn into a catastrophe. It is possible that Trump can win simply because enough Americans are disgusted with the state of things—but he has to make clear who is responsible for that state, which he is failing to do. There has never really been an American election without fraud. The possibilities this time are exponential. Without doubt the Democrats will do all in their power to steal the election. If that fails, they have already endorsed the threat of violence in the streets and the corrupt federal police to overthrow the result. It is a mistake to think that the corrupt courts will be able to deal with the revolutionary coup. Will Trump be able to deal with it? Will the dwindling good sense of the American people be enough to restore a legitimate regime?
Anthony Powell
10/2/2020 06:08:45 am
In this so-called 'debate', not one question was asked regarding the $23 trillion debt (and increasing by the second). Why didn't Mr Wallace ask this simple question of both candidates: "Are you concerned about the $23 trillion federal debt, and if so, what steps do you propose to drastically reduce it in the next four years?" Here's why Chris Wallace didn't ask the question - he doesn't care.
John Woodruff
10/7/2020 10:29:30 am
We must keep in mind that our chief executive (which means he runs the executive branch of the government, not the country, not the 'free world') is at best a speed bump, not a change in our downward path. But he could still pull off a victory in the election if he addressed the citizens with a speech that asked everyone to stop this fearful hysteria over a 'pandemic' , to take simple precautions and to get on with their lives as best they can. He survived his bout with Covid and so will nearly everyone else. But we won't survive the madness of shutting down a country.
Michael Martin
10/16/2020 11:08:13 am
I was perfectly fine supporting Trump until I did the research. My opinion is that the entire "Trump vs The Media" narrative has always been a script to make him seem more legitimate in the eyes of our demoralized populace. Here's a few connections that he has which FLAT OUT DISTURB ME:
Michael A Martin
10/16/2020 11:10:38 am
Also, forgot to mention that in the town hall last night, 10/15, Trump was asked about a $400 million debt he owes, and refused to say who he owes it to.
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AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
February 2025