I wrote in his defense and voted for him, although without much enthusiasm. What else were those of us to do who want to preserve the fragments of democracy and Christian society we have left, who I like to think are still numerous? I would probably vote for him again if he gets the nomination and the Democrats put up a candidate who is just as evil as Biden but more destructively competent. Trump has courage and is the only big voice against the Evil Empire. He still has, it would seem, considerable grassroots popularity. His present campaign, however, looks rather too personal. He wants to right the wrong of a stolen election. A good issue, but we must have a lot more. A successful general needs more than courage and the support of his troops. He needs to fight smart, know his enemy, know what to do to defeat him, and do it. Trump’s administration was a major failure in this regard. Is there any evidence that he has learned how to fight better? I don’t see it. True, he was backstabbed by his own party and got the most lying press that any President has ever suffered. Much attention is being given to Governor DeSantis. He talks the talk. But unlike Nixon, Reagan, etc. he actually seems to be walking the walk. He is doing in his State what opponents of the Evil Empire that governs us should have been doing all along. Doing what Trump should have been encouraging in every suitable State. But now it appears that self-referencing Trump only regards DeSantis as a rival to be put down. This is not good. The failure of the red wave (which Brion McClanahan amusingly calls the “red ripple”) has put the next presidential election in a new light. The poor Republican showing is given different explanations. Some blame it on discontent with the Supreme Court anti-abortion decision or revulsion at Trump. Another explanation might be that the Republican grassroots has finally discovered (although more than half a century too late) the dishonesty of their leadership. Suppose Trump gets the nomination. Who among the empty suits of the Republican party can stop him? But they are certain to keep backstabbing him in the election and in office. The Democrats have perfected the technique of election stealing. To overcome that he would have to have the very active support of the Republican leadership, and that he will never have. There is also talk of a Trump/DeSantis ticket. This would be a mistake for the Governor, likely to drag him down with Trump. He should maintain his own independent stand as a new and refreshing leader.
Clyde Wilson
11/18/2022 01:42:25 pm
I wrote about DeSantis before I learned that he had truckled to the anti-Confederate jihad.
Robert M. Peters
11/20/2022 07:29:37 pm
Providence is that of God's will which moves in time and space beyond our understanding. In that sense, Providence may yet use the hapless Trump for His purposes, although His purposes might not align with ours. Even the evil Biden might be a manifestation of God's Providence on a disobedient people.
Anthony Powell
11/21/2022 04:28:40 pm
Ron Paul would have been the only President who would have resisted the neocons and war profiteers, and the establishment made sure he couldn’t get the nomination. The McConnells, Lindsey Grahams, Tom Cottons and Roger Wickers of the US Senate are the scum of the earth. I have nothing but contempt for all of them.
Gordon Arnold
11/22/2022 02:58:07 pm
I don’t think Tom Cotton belongs in that group of people
11/23/2022 07:02:31 pm
Gordon Arnold, if you are suggesting that Tom Cotton can't shyster like the best of them, then look up the list of US politicians who are graduates of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program. Think you'll find Tom Cotton's name there. 11/22/2022 04:44:11 am
I appreciate everyone's candor. A present-day Southern response I value more these days since the Northern wack jobs have opening declared war on the South, its history, values and culture. Trump can be trusted with our defense, Please remember the executive order protecting monuments. Ron Desantis, on his watch the Summer of Hate 2020 stood by while Florida had the second highest number of Confederate monuments removed. Florida's universities are among the most woke and intolerant in the nation. That said because I personally wish to fire a shot at the satanic Democrats, one they will truly fear, am presently backing a Trump-DeSantis 2024 ticket. While I support Ron ( I even wrote his campaign slogan back in May 2021- "Keep Florida Free" he needs more foreign affairs experience as well as earning how to navigate Washington power types to be effective. Those you care...tell me what other candidate would be so popular as V.P, and strike true fear to the Godless?
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AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
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