The current resistance of the Texas authorities to illegal acts of the rulers of the U.S. government is important and heartening for two reasons. First, it reflects the real “Constitution for the United States,” which has long been in disuse. In the real Constitution the States have the right to interpose between their people and the government’s unconstitutional acts. Abuse of power and violation of the law by federal rulers is by definition tyranny---an affront to government “of, by, and for the people.” Secondly, Texas has raised the principle of the right and responsibility of “the lesser magistrates,” to oppose the tyranny of higher authorities. Any just regime has magistrates to enforce the true laws, to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. When the situation arises these officials in their lawful capacity can rightfully counter the illegalities of the “higher” authorities. (I thank Reckonin' commenter Roscoe for reminding me of this.) This idea was a deep aspect of the American case in the War of Independence. Unfortunately we have a multitude of examples of lesser magistrates violating their duty to distinguish right and wrong. Take the notorious case in Minnesota. The governor, mayor, attorney general, prosecutors, and judges all took the side of the lawbreaker and condemned the law enforcer. The lawbreaker got universal praise, a gold casket, and a monument. The law enforcer got massive slander and prison. But, after all, the policeman was considered sacrificable as one the “delporables,” ordinary white people disdained by our sophisticated rulers. Long ago, during my misspent youth as a newspaper reporter, I saw a revealing incident. There was a minor conflict at a local restaurant. The newspaper’s most popular columnist inflated this into a crime wave in the better part of town. The mayor immediately announced his alarm and opposition to this development, without any assessment of the facts. He was simply, like all politicians, immediately doing what he thought would be popular. No consideration of truth or falsehood, good or evil, ever entered his head. This exactly describes Joe Biden’s reaction to any reported incident possibly to be considered as offensive to black people and all good citizens. It was an occasion for virtue signaling that would be praised by the media. Why else do so many of our politicians of both parties warmly embrace the genocide going on in the Mideast? The fact is they are shallow and ignorant men and women who have no real interest other than self-promotion (vanity and greed). The stand of Biden, other authorities, and the media convinced the world that a police reign of terror against black people was a fact of American life. An honest and patriotic President would have told the world that such was not the case, that in fact blacks were 18 times more likely to kill policemen than the other way around. We have no politics, no rational debate or discussion of ideas and policies at the mainstream level---only advertising. That is that state of our “democracy” today. We can only be hopeful about the current acts of the Southern “lesser magistrates.” And hopeful that a future Judgment will expose the real minds of our politicians and provide an appropriate punishment.
Vladmir Putin is greatly superior to Joe Biden in every observable way. Putin has more intelligence, more integrity, more honesty, more courage, more far-sighted understanding. He is more Christian, more patriotic, and works to strengthen his country, while Biden is destroying his. Putin is an historical figure, while Biden is merely a loser, like the last king of France and the last Csar of Russia - weak, ignorant rulers who brought disaster to their people. Putin is articulate and knows some real history, ahead of Biden on both counts. During the War of 1812, the wise statesman John C. Calhoun considered what was the duty of a citizen during war time. Of course, he must support his people, but if he thought the country and its leaders were wrong, to what extent was it a citizen’s right to say so? Of course, the war that Calhoun was discussing was a Constitutionally declared war. There were genuine but patriotic differences of opinion about what action was good for the country. But what is our patriotic obligation to support the U.S. present military actions operating around the world? These actions are not Constitutional, their benefit to the country has never really been discussed. We sympathise when our fellow citizens who are in harm’s way are killed or wounded in remote places where they should never have been at all - sacrificed by muddled and irresponsible rulers. I note recently deaths and injuries to our men at some place, an apparently vulnerable place. Note also, those hurt were not regular army people but Georgia National Guardsmen who doubtless never imagined that their service would lead to such sacrifice. The bureaucrats claiming to be soldiers always lean on the South they hate. Our chair-warrior leaders are eager to say that in defending all these far away bases we are somehow defending America. This is a lie. Our retaliation is in no manner defending our American land and people. Further, these people respond to the attack of a few “terrorists” with massive bombing of entire civil populations that are assumed to harbour such terrorists. This is a grave sin that will create blowback, if God is just.
The Reconciliation Monument, a great piece of American history and American art is gone. There were several votes but as best I can figure out, only about half or less of the “conservative” Republican majority in the House voted against the atrocity. And most of those who voted to preserve the monument were from what used to be Southern Democrat districts. The erasure is partly because of the vast pseudo-historical nonsense that has become mainstream now in regard to the War for Southern Independence. Confederates were evil people and traitors who fought only to defend slavery and all trace of them must be removed. I do not believe that any majority of the American public wants this. It is essentially a Communist tactic. It is announced the “false Confederate history” must be cut out of America. Of course, in any major historical event there are two sides to be looked at. Unlike Woke history that now dominates the government and the military, the Reconciliation monument is not phony. It represents a true and important event in American history that long had significant consequences. At least three Presidents supported that idea. Apparently the greatest objection to the monument is its depiction of a black nanny. Like Reconciliation, that is also a thing of real history, celebrated in document, song, and story. The generals who have perpetrated the atrocity one might notice, are bureaucrats, not soldiers. They do not grasp the long lasting commitment of the South to the American military. They can’t grasp that Arlington contains the graves of many sons and grandsons of Confederate soldiers. They have trashed American history and a lot of the honour that adheres to the American military. They are not at all aware of the descendants of Confederate soldiers who played a major role in World War II - Patton, Nimitz, Chesty Puller, Darby, Audie Murphy and a host of others as a result of the Reconciliation. They have a false, truncated, ideological view of American history. Besides, I know of two Confederate generals who are buried at Arlington for service they did to the U.S. in the later 1800s. I won't say who they are less I provoke further desecration. For a while now I have refrained from voting. What thoughtful lover of his country can participate without disgust in the current American political contests, which are at the same time corrupt and carried on in an intellectually debased process like an advertising competition between two kids’ sugary breakfast cereals. However, because our early South Carolina primary seems to have some effect on the events that follow, I will bite the bullet and vote for Donald Trump. My primary purpose will be to inflict as much damage as possible on the Republican Party establishment. They are ignoring the plain fact that the grassroots has walked away from them and hoping that one of their establishment pygmies can get the White House and keep them in their comfortable power and profit. For many years I have argued that the first necessity in returning the U.S. to a sound basis is to destroy the Republican Party. The party exists for protecting certain economic interests and for supplying public places to ambitious and reliable mediocrities. Its leaders have no real ideas, principles, or interest in anything except themselves. The party has utterly failed at opposing any of the revolution that has overtaken American society in the last half century. There is no connection between “conservative” and the Republican Party except in dishonest verbiage. Despite the alienation of the grassroots, they have just made a Speaker of the House who, except for claiming Christian affiliation, has never said a word that could not be spoken by any parlor liberal. Except when raising money, of course, when he urges donors to fund a conservative campaign against leftism---a campaign doubtless to be led by Mitt Romney. Almost every day I receive expensive slick multi-colour mailings telling me what an outstanding leader is the person called Nikki Haley. She will do marvelous things. These things she is to do are upbeat but rather vague, which is a Republican trademark. I have already seen door-to-door canvassers deceitfully attacking Trump without actually saying so, something not known before in primaries. One of the reasons they hate Trump so much is that he talks about real things that people can identify with rather than in abstractions like “progress, “prosperity,” and “global democracy.” Government is supposed to be for the good of the people. Trump has gained vast support because he has simply stated what millions already know - our government is an enemy of the people. Our elite are too intellectually and morally shallow to care. Imagine this person Nikki seeking the chair of Washington and Jefferson and you have a measure of American degeneration. Or even Eisenhower or Kennedy. A person entirely the creation of opportunism, money, and publicity without a single attribute of integrity or accomplishment. She is a prime example of a diseased dysfunctional system. She was elected governor of South Carolina (the only time she has actually been before voters) because she acted as the “Tea Party” candidate against establishment Republicans. Shame to say I actually voted for her for that reason. That stance was abandoned as soon as the election was over. I expect and hope that the primaries will send Nikki into deserved oblivion. Mr. Trump has made many mistakes. I wish we had a statesman with more wisdom and gravitas. But that is not possible in American society today. We have to work with what we have and what is possible. The former President frequently says the right things and he certainly provokes the enemies of the people. Can he win the nomination? It seems so with overwhelming support, but don’t count out the establishment yet. Can he win the election? Really? We know that the Dark State has already perfected stealing elections. We know that the courts, the media, the federal police and intelligence agencies, the bureaucracy, the Pentagon, the Republican establishment are determined to prevent him from winning. If you are naïve enough about politics (the pursuit of power) to think that won’t happen, then I have some good Florida land, inherited from my uncle, that I would like to interest you in. Besides the normal psychopathy of politics, the hatred of Trump also energises the destructive revolutionary fervour of our times. And if Trump were to survive the election what would he be able to do to drain the swamp? The task is too big for anyone---the rot is too deep and widespread. The same elements that did not want him elected will still be in power. He will have to defy the courts, resist a firestorm from the media, and cleanse the police agencies and the Pentagon from the top down. The task of reform would take wisdom and herculean effort that is not likely to be possible. It seems that Trump has learned a lot from his experience, but probably not enough. In a recent Tucker Carlson interview Trump was in good form, articulate and persuasive. Twice Carlson mentioned that the Dark State had now done everything to stop him, which had only increased his support. What would they do next? Carlson was hinting at assassination, but Trump did not take the bait. We know that the Dark State has no moral limits in infiltration, assassination, and false flags. We know that society is now full of violent antifa thugs, perhaps hundreds of thousands of them. The last candidate who seriously shook up the national elite was George Wallace. When power feels bold enough to crush! With, day by day, some birthright lost, Some pride depress’d, some purpose cross’d, Cursed with each thought that brings the past, And utter slaves to knaves at last! -William Gilmore Simms The problem of truth is not necessarily a problem of fact. - John Lukacs . . . liberalism runs the danger of taking civilization for granted . . . .The ongoing work of civilization is the lost term in the liberal syllogism. - Caryl Johnston I am gratified that the two principles of compensation [of slave owners] and colonization [of black people] are both recognized and practically applied in the act. - Abraham Lincoln, 1861, signing a bill for compensated slave emancipation in the District of Columbia How could we find a sense of history, or of tradition, or of legitimate authority in the programs of Big Government and Big Business. . . . The country had been hollowed out. All that was left was politics and commerce. - Caryl Johnston on the 60s Yankees have developed a character so odious that death would be preferable to reunion with them. - Gov. John Milton of Florida The same Yankees who blame the South for everything bad are anxious to move South, away from the mess they have made. Alas, by their very character they recreate what they ran away from. - Clyde Wilson The decomposition of civilizations precedes their death. - Georges Bernanos ---rootless, lacking in solid historical identity of their own, and as a result grasping at the cant and ideological crusades of the day to supply them with an identity. What is the first impulse of such people? To destroy - whether statues and memorials, or college courses in Western art and philosophy, or lecture platforms for speakers they don’t like. Hardly what I have called a “moral deed.” - Caryl Johnston on “Social Justice Warriors” God told me to fight Al Qaeda and I did, and then he instructed me to go after Saddam and I did. - Bush Minor (how did he know it was not Satan rather than a direct communication to him from God?) Mass hypocrisy is a contagious disease. - M.E. Bradford on the race question We could have pursued no other course without dishonour, and sad as the results have been, we should be compelled to act in precisely the same manner. - R.E. Lee …in Western societies the state system and society itself are alienated from one another . . . Order, peace, and citizens’ lives and property are low on the state’s list of priorities. - F.R. Ankersmit, Dutch scholar Murder is not a threat to the corrupt political establishment, but Truth is. - Paul Craig Roberts The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. - Disraeli I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in the world of their times. - Thomas Jefferson Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens, the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. - George Washington, Farewell Address Either nations will be governed by God, or they will be ruled by tyrants. - William Penn I believe most travellers from afar would concur that the civilized way of life in America is now chiefly to be found in the South, which is speciously presented to the outer world as the enemy of civilized ways. - Douglas Reed, world-traveled British journalist after a visit in the 1950s. Confederate flag: Yet love, like truth, can never die, And ‘graved on Time’s historic page, The memory of our soldiers’ deeds Shall live undimmed from age to age. - Mary Bayard Devereux Clarke Four stormy years we saw it gleam, A people’s hope ---and then refurled Even while its glory was the theme Of half the world. - Henry Linden Flash Opposing advocates of Israel and Palestine are demonstrating in our streets. Until fairly recently this would have seemed strange. Why should foreign countries be so important to American citizens? (Although I admit that decent people have sympathy for an occupied underdog.) This is simply a product of the mass immigration policies of the Republican and Democratic parties, carried out for the past half century or more. Why is it the same people who advocate mass immigration are now viewing Muslim protests against Israel as a dangerous rise of “anti-semitism”? They are even working to fire the black female president of Harvard because she has not suppressed Palestinian protests. I knew it was all over for the U.S. a few years ago when the Japanese desk clerk in San Francisco thought my South Carolina palmetto cap was Islamic. Danny Quayle. Mike Pence. Why does the Republican party put on its national ticket mediocre, undistinguished politicians from the unimportant state of Indiana? Did you know that 95% of our antibiotics come from China? And 80% of all our drugs from China and India? Nikki Haley: “We have to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel.” Huh? You never know, but I don’t think I have any brothers or sisters in Israel. Nikki Haley: “I have a positive vision for the future.” Huh? Typical Republican advertising comes back again. Where is the substance? What is a “positive vision” for American people suffering from catastrophic foreign immigration, from catastrophic debt, from the declining living standards of the middle and working classes? A country that is involved in bankrolling war crimes in at least two places in the world, if not more? The Republican leadership have not figured out that the grassroots has changed and has caught on to their con game. A cosmopolitan friend suggests that what we call the Deep State would more appropriately be labeled the Dark State. Rioting mobs like Antifa and BLM are not spontaneous. They are instigated by some conspiratorial organisation. If a historian or intelligent alien of a future time views today’s television ads, they would conclude that U.S. society is two-thirds black and another 20% Asian and Mexican. However, giving the ongoing deterioration of Western civilisation, a future historian is unlikely. Keep in mind that America, created by intelligent and courageous settlers, has for some years been declining in IQ and testosterone. You don’t need statistics---just look at our leaders. Maybe that explains why your President is a plagiarist, a girl groper, a crook and a liar. Our responsibility to history is clear---to rid the world of evil. - Bush minor: (Does he understand the meaning of words like responsibility, history, and evil?) Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise. - Francis Bacon As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate action: You liberate a city by destroying it. - Gore Vidal Empires crumble. There are no exceptions. - Oscar Wilde If you can’t do it with one shot, don’t do it at all. - H. Ryder Haggard An American President can wreck his country and blow up the world, but he cannot recreate either of them. - Chilton Williamson A people which no longer remembers has lost its history and its soul. - Solzhenitsyn There is a great deal of ruin in a nation. - Adam Smith The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. - Kundera We Americans did first Conceive the soul’s language as a commerce, And we celebrated ever after that new learning, . . . . . . No, Calvin Coolidge, The business of America is not business - Caryl Johnston I think little of people who will deny their history because it doesn’t present the picture they would like. - George Macdonald Fraser A thing cannot be other than it is. - Aristotle As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, independence, and enterprise to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body, and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion of your walks. - Thomas Jefferson. (After advising his nephew on hounorable behaviour and on a large program of classical and scientific studies, suggests two hours of exercise per day.) How could we help falling on our knees, all of us together, and praying God to pity and forgive is all. - Union Gen. Joshua Chamberlain at Apomattox The Southern Flag Round the World bear the flag of our glory, While the nations look on and admire, And our struggle, immortal in story, Shall the free of all ages inspire. - Gen. Albert Pike Freedom called and called in vain! Furl that banner sadly, slowly, Treat it gently, for ‘tis holy; Till that day---yes, furl it sadly; Then once more unfurl it gladly. - Sir Henry Houghton, English Poet Ah, realm of tombs! But let her bear This blazon to the last of times: No nation rose so white and fair, Or fell so pure of crimes. - Philip Stanhope Worsley, English Poet I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just. Thomas Jefferson Did you know that Buttigieg, the sodomite that Biden appointed to his Cabinet, and his “partner” have been allowed to adopt two babies? And a pal of theirs has been indicted on 40 counts of child abuse? There have been steady rumours of pedophilia among our elites ever since the “pizza gate” business of a few years ago. It has been suggested that Biden’s current open borders regime is a supply boon for child molesters. I don’t know the facts and we probably never will know them, but there is usually fire where there is smoke. We know that our elites revel in power and they are almost never brought to account for anything they do. It is not hard to imagine some of them tempted to enjoy breaking one of the last taboos that they have not already broken. Our leaders do not seem able to process two simple facts: the Russia of today is NOT the Soviet Union and Ukraine is a criminal state. Or maybe they know but don’t care. There are people speculating that the Deep State was complicit in the Kennedy and King assassinations. Some people are now speculating that the moon landing was a staged fraud. That is perhaps going a bit too far, but we know that our masters (mostly unelected) routinely lie to the people. I recently watched a 12-episode series on the Marines in the Korean War. Three-fourths of the combat veterans had Southern accents. They managed to get in a black commentator who had no obvious relation to the subject. There were no black Marines in those days. We have lots of people condemning “white privilege,” proclaiming the evils of the American past. Curiously, many of these people are quite privileged individuals. They are too shallow and self-centered to understand: if it were not for the security and freedom provided them by Western civilisation, they would not even exist. It is irresponsible, childish resentment. Did you know that the U.S. Navy recently had to scrap three new-design warships that cost $27 billion? California used to be the dream destination for millions of Americans. In 2022, some 840,000 people left California. Does anybody wonder why? Did you know that your U.S. government is partnered with and supporting al Qaeda in attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria? Fortunately, the Russians helped stop this “global democracy” fraud. One of the strangest things in political history is happening right now. The leaders of the Republican party are pulling out all the stops to destroy their most popular candidate. They are funding mailings, TV advertising, and door-to-door canvassing to spread the word that Donald Trump cannot defeat Joe Biden in the next election. Why would they do that when they have no candidate or program of their own? They are unable or unwilling to accept that the grassroots no longer cares for their comfortable, self-serving business as usual. They think the people will get quiet after a while and again support their routine deceptive appeal. A country without memory is a country of madmen. -Georges Santayana Racist: any one who is winning an argument with a Liberal -Peter Brimelow I do not know if virtue signaling also fools the person making the virtuous chirping sounds. Do such persons lack self-knowledge? -Dr. Virginia Abernethy A people alone are a great river; and where a people has died, a great nation is about to die. -William Butler Yeats A people separated from their history are easily persuaded. -Karl Marx The first step toward ultimately winning is to make sure that the enemy does not win, if it be only that he does not win everywhere. -G.K. Chesterton The future lasts a long time. -Charles De Gaulle Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. -Ecclesiastes Those who expect to be ignorant and free, expect what never was or will be. -Thomas Jefferson Truth ever on the scaffold; wrong ever on the throne. -Unknown History repeats itself, but not exactly. -Clyde N. Wilson No country can be reformed by people who hate it - a fact which our left-wing intellectuals tend to miss. -Herbert Agar Currently, less than half of K-12 school children, America’s future, are European-American. -Dr. Virginia Abernethy Big Business is a parasitic disease on capitalism which if not checked will necessarily be fatal. - David Cushman Coyle It appears that Afghanistan will be the grave of yet another empire. - William Lind The mediocre always hold the superior back even when they are on the same side. - Florence King They call this progress, but they don’t say where it is going. - William Faulkner Growth is the enemy of progress. -Edward Abbey Devolution is not an event, but a process. - Ron Davies, Welsh nationalist We cannot maintain an empire in the Orient and a republic in America. - Mark Twain We are not a virtuous nation. God and fate have not blessed us above others. - Chris Hedges “Powerful ornary stock, George, powerful ornary.” - “Sut Lovingood” on “The Puritan Yankee” Never attribute to malice what is more obviously due to stupidity or sloth. - Oscar Handlin We no longer have any politics - only marketing. - Clyde N. Wilson Public estimation of eminence runs in reverse ratio to its genuineness. - H.L. Mencken After having taken each member successively in its powerful grasp, fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. - Tocqueville Praise the Lord and pass the barbecue. - Maurice Bessinger COVID. How many people, if any, have been saved from getting Covid by the enforced “vaccinations” and mask-wearing? It is impossible to know. How many people have caught Covid despite the “vaccinations”? We will not be allowed to know. How many Covid patients died because of mistaken treatments and government banning of known remedies? Can we know that? How many millions of people will have long-term health problems from injections of government poison? Washington and Jefferson both solemnly warned of the dangerous destructiveness for Americans of involvement with foreign powers and their conflicts. Our Founders thought that our example might inspire other people in their quest for liberty and self-government. They could never have dreamed of an American state with the fatuous goal of “global democracy.” The American Deep State now has a military presence in more than 100 foreign places. It is engaged in promoting “democracy” among foreign peoples---whether they want it or not. Curiously, for the U.S. “democracy” means having the leaders the U.S. selects rather than the ones they vote for. And it involves murdering innocent people halfway around the globe with drones and sending American women into danger. And heavily subsidising one side in two current foreign wars. And collaborating with corrupt foreign billionaires in “colour revolutions.” In the present Middle East conflict we now have the two different sides demonstrating against each other on our soil. Nobody has noticed what this really signifies: the American population now has so many large foreign elements that they bring their conflicts to our streets. At the same time, the silly bureaucrats (never been in harm’s way) who control the American military hold American history and all genuine American military tradition in contempt. They are trying to destroy it. The Confederacy and its noble traditions are its first target. But these people feel nothing for the heroic sacrifice of Americans in World War II. For them, such people are just “deplorables” used up in a good cause. And aren’t you proud that among our absurdly too-numerous admirals is a transgender in high heels? Sadly, he does not make a very attractive woman. It would be interesting to see he/she/it commanding warships against the Chinese, Russians, or Persians. |
AuthorClyde Wilson is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of History at the University of South Carolina He is the author or editor of over thirty books and published over 600 articles, essays and reviews Archives
September 2024